To work in London I required a work visa. But rather than do that and deal with entry restrictions and other red tape, I decided on getting a Right of Abode. The RoA can only be obtained if you fall into a few categories. In this case, I could get one because my father is British and I was born prior to 1983. The RoA allows me to live and work in the U.K. without restriction for five years.
So it's a work visa? Nah. Much better than that. When I land at Heathrow I don't get into the visitor line: as far as the customs folks are concerned I'm a resident...even though I haven't been to the country in 14 years. But let's say teaching isn't paying the bills and I'd like to get a part-time night job at Tesco. No problem. Bank of England Visa? No problem. Library card? Sure.
The only problem was its cost. Plus I had to fill out a 7-page application and track down my long-form Ontario birth certificate as well as my father's original British birth certificate. Oh and since my passport expires next year the RoA expires with it.
Well, still, I get to stand in the resident line.
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