The other Saturday the airplanes were busy playing tic tac toe in the sky and I headed over to Hampstead Heath -- a 7-minute walk from my flat.

"The Heath" is 790 acres of forests, ponds and playgrounds. It was set aside as a park somewhere around 986 AD. It's a popular spot for picnics, jogging, reading, suntanning, and basically any outdoor activity. I've even seen people practicing with a bo staff.

There are huge trees around and, occasionally, people meditating under them.

I heard a father tell his 3-year-old son that this tree was the "Robin Hood" tree. The opening was big enough that a child could comfortably crawl inside. Not sure about a full-grown outlaw. Also, Robin Hood wasn't around London.

One fantastic thing about the Heath is the huge open spaces. They say London is a green city and when you're in one of the city's great parks you really believe it.

There are about 25 ponds in the Heath, many with ducks. Dog-walking is a popular activity and so, of course, the dogs scramble in the water and terrify anything nearby.

Benches are strategically placed in busy and private locations.

All and all, it's a great place for a run, have a picnic, or just walk through.
Looks like a cracking day there, Dave. I'm curious and going to Google Earth Hamstead Heath too see if it's as expansive as you say.